Male Infertility

40% of all infertility cases are caused by infertility related to the male partner. We offer comprehensive diagnosis and treatment for male infertility conditions and have very high rates of success when the underlying cause for infertility is related to the male.

Common reasons for male infertility are related to sperm production, anatomical and structural issues, and immune system disorders.

Semen Analysis 

The most common first step in assessing male fertility is a semen analysis. A semen analysis assesses the sperm concentration, morphology, motility, and progression. Sperm concentration is the number of sperm in a sample. Sperm morphology is the percentage of sperm in a sample that has a normal shape, which represents their ability to swim and penetrate the egg. Sperm motility represents whether the sperm are moving, and sperm progression indicates how well the sperm are moving.

The semen analysis is done in our Philadelphia office in our andrology lab. Using a sample provided by the male partner, we evaluate the health of the sperm and determine the best treatment options. If we identify a problem through the semen analysis, both genetic and endocrine testing will be performed through our office and possibly a referral to a urologist who specializes in fertility. Additionally we may prescribe certain supplements, vitamins and medications to improve sperm quality.